Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Traditions - Creating Memories!

Happy Good Friday!  I'm looking forward to Easter this weekend to not only celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and to spend time with family, but to also continue traditions and start new ones with my family.  I thought I'd share a few of our Easter traditions with all of you!

  • Make Easter Cards for Family Members - So, anyone that knows me well, knows I'm a little bit of a card junkie.  I don't know what it is, but I love sending cards to loved ones.  Now that LP is getting older he has been helping me make cards.  This year we made egg shaped, shaving cream marbled, cards.  For anyone who hasn't marbled paper using the shaving cream method before, you'll have to give it a try - it is easy and creates beautiful patterns and colors!
LP checking out a couple baby chicks
  • Visit Baby Chicks, Ducks and Turkeys - This year LP and I went to our local feed store and visited all the baby chicks, ducks and turkeys that they got in this week.  I never did this growing up but decided to start this tradition based off a recommendation from our children's librarian.  LP had a great time checking all of them out!
  • New Easter Outfits - Easter is an excuse for me to not only find some new church clothes for LP, but for My Farmer and I too.  This year I bought LP a new polo shirt, My Farmer a new shirt and me a new dress.  (Don't tell anyone but I decided to wear my new dress last night to Maundy Thursday service instead of Easter Sunday - I guess I was too excited to wear it!)  Growing up, my sisters and I got new Easter dresses quite often, so I guess this is why I continue to do this tradition.  Did you know that this tradition actually started a long-time ago?  Early Christians sometimes wore the same clothes throughout Lent.  This was an exercise in self-denial and spiritual discipline used to help Christians focus on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus.  The period of abstaining from changing clothing ended on Easter Day, when everyone would don new apparel for their Easter celebration.
  • Easter Lily Memorial at Church - Every year through our church, my Farmer and I buy an Easter Lily plant, which then is displayed at church starting on Easter Sunday morning and for a couple weeks following.  You can denote your lily as a memorial or honor towards someone, which we have usually made ours a memorial to loved ones who have passed away.  This year we decided to make ours in "Celebration of the Resurrection."
LP with his Easter Basket last yar
    • Easter Basket - I love putting together an Easter basket with a couple things in it for LP.  This year he is getting candy, sidewalk chalk, a train car and a new Easter story book.  One of my Mom's cousin's also made him a cute Easter basket out of an old milk jug last year that I put everything in.  We always go to Sunrise Service at church, followed by the Youth Group Easter Breakfast and then come home to get ready for Easter Dinner.  LP gets his Easter basket after church and before dinner preparations.
    • Read the Easter Story - Growing up my Grandma would read the Easter story to all my cousins, sisters and I before we went on our Easter Egg Hunt at my grandparent's house.  Now, I have started reading the Easter story to LP on the night before Easter.  The children's story book I have been using for LP so far has been The Easter Story, by Patricia A. Pingry.  I like how my Grandma read the Easter story to all of us before our hunt, so I think this year before our hunt I'll share the story of Easter by making Resurrection Rolls.
    • Resurrection Rolls - Last year was the first time I had heard of these, through the wonderful world of Pinterest, and I'm excited that this year LP might be old enough to enjoy doing them (or at least LP and his older cousin).  If you haven't heard of these, it is a great way to share the Easter story through food.
    My niece and LP at last year's Easter Egg Hunt
    (This year is going to have to be inside the shop though,
    it'll be too wet to have it outside
    • Easter Egg Hunt - This year I'm hosting an Easter Egg Hunt. for a second year, for LP and his older cousin on Easter Sunday afternoon.  I carry on a similar Easter Egg Hunt tradition that my Grandma did for my cousins, sisters and I growing up.  The kids search for plastic eggs that have bible verses, special messages - such as give your Dad a hug or spin in a circle three times, and of course prize eggs.  About a third of the eggs are prize eggs, a third have interactive messages in them and a third have bible verses in them.  My Mom helped me put the hunt together last year and helped me out already for this year's hunt too.  (If you're looking for an Easter Egg Hunt to do for slightly older children, check out this hunt from iMom.  It has the kids find puzzle pieces that tell the Easter Story.)
    • Deviled Eggs - Of course food is a big part of any tradition right?  Well for me, I feel like you can't have Easter Dinner without Deviled Eggs.  For something fun and different, I'm going to try dying my deviled eggs!
    What are some of your favorite Easter traditions or memories?  Join the conversation on the Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids facebook page!


    1. New Easter outfits were a tradition in my family too. Mom used to sew my sister and I new outfits and I continued the tradition with my son and daughter. I'm glad I found your blog through the March blog party!

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